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About Us

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Hello there! We're thrilled to see that you're interested in learning more about us.

Allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm Shellie, the older sister of the Jonesy & Jonesy dynamic duo. My sister, Cara, who happens to be an incredibly talented artist and an interior designer, is the other half of our team. While she believes that people tend to skip reading these pages and blogs, I absolutely adore delving into the stories behind brands like ours.

My passion lies in collecting and cherishing vintage prints and books, which led me to the idea of selling tea towels. Initially, I embarked on this journey solo. However, one day, I approached Cara and suggested, "Hey, we should feature some of your stunning designs on our tea towels." That's when the seed of collaboration was planted.

As time went on, Cara developed an appreciation for vintage designs and with her business background in interior design, we were able to elevate our ideas to a professional level. We dedicated ourselves to extensive research, meticulous planning, and learning the ins and outs of the manufacturing and sales business. The result? A product that fills us with immense pride.

Navigating the world of social media has been a challenge, but we're gradually getting the hang of it. Rest assured, you won't find any photoshopped, scantily clad individuals twirling around lavish mansions with our Jonesy & Jonesy tea towels. We're real people who genuinely love what we do, and we're eager to share our passion with everyone.

So, let's become friends! Please consider following us on Instagram and Facebook and joining us on this incredible journey of growth and creativity.

Looking forward to connecting with you soon!

Warm regards,

Shellie & Cara ❤️❤️

aka Jonesy & Jonesy